ABSTRACTTt. 8.nus 1,.,!.a L G.l-) ol ft. rib. L&rucseAstcr1@c is sysrdtcally di*d lirn Pdkistd dd rGhmir Th. biosystcd.tic ltudy b bas.d on rh. d.b ohain.d l@n dif.rc li.lds sch !s g€n.ml norpholoe, cypscl. morphorogy. polrdology md disribu on p.rn. A bbl oll3 r.r. (27.pei6, I subsp.ci€s.nd t hri.th, b.lon8in8 !o 8 gcno aE €o8niz.d fmm Pakistd tnd Klshnn ifthding t tw speid viz., Crt rr,ld dli R@hi Bm, C'art a gilat Er R@ti Brno, Ci*rbita r/d&., R@hi B!no, P..ra,,r.r vMrij Rohi B.rc & Q.i$r, S@nola @ ,tu R@hi Bso, whif. onc tuw teiiy riL. Ci..rbit. de.ipias lC.B. Cl.rk.) B-uv. v.r. p.Itr.,d R@hi Brm, 4 na ombin.riotu .nd 2 n4 nnkr .E .ls poFs.d. AII th. Fu qlid d 3tmnytu h.vc ba tyDifi.d wi|n lh. h.lP of tyP. sPa'ncns .nd litdtuF. Anilichl gc.dic ond spdific k.y! h.v. b.n pDvid.d. Th. d.6il morpholoSic.l detiption md illwmdd! rE n$ givn. Cy?6.1. moQholoSy of ll |.r b.lonSing io rhc gdus &.t@ L. G'sr.) .nd iB .Ui.d gdo ha bd c.nicd our by 6ing Ugh Mico*opy GM) lnd S.rmine El@lon Mic@oF (SEM). Th. holPholosh|l drt! orcrpdlt wa pov.d quit usful fd rh. d.tiDir.rion oadilf.mr 6! bolh .r dE gddic .nd sp@ific l.vcl. Four poflo rt?c viz., lr.kc.rrd - rrp., Lactuca - rypc, Steptorhanphut - rW. af,d Cielb,@ - ryF .G Fognizd. The polld ryp6 difid wnh Blet b folloring ch.tutd via, @a ill fm, +in. lqlg|ll &d.pd, nmb6 of !'iG lrd w |nolth. Flu .F. 3h.F oaol hdoq srf.@ of dcpBioN (i.a.,wilh or wilhdl ehie). Thl d.r. oh.incd fioh diftMl .!pet h.vc bcn dlyz.d nunciolly !o find @t int frLrionship. mng .ll rh. r., ol&.r!.. L. (3,1-)
Jt( P L;J),1, y- i&actuceae Astercceae)a, L--!:l
i4- f .t-i !,i irfr;u.-v JA=:',trv tG y''v')(rac.uca L )
. ale' j -\ !',, t i," ; ic' -t i t 2-*,t.'v ;l' ir :
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,li;Vlv 4cice.bita atii RoohiBano ) ;Li" i'cLV.>v -:2r <L
t *f . itA V I v. <cicehita sitsiten sis Roohi Bano, i t,J" I
4 z' ;t ;-iv'*'F-2. (Cicertrita qaisei Roohi Bano)
,,, )='!!!-,\.. '!.L.i'-,a Je ercnanthes stewanii Roohi Ba^o & Qaiserl
,..1.-'ile),.',.,-n j,;r j c.. ! " L:'t J ].';;i -.;, ' ii- ri?c
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{ 1-,..i<sru> =l',Et jl' -@'l<to ey'',8,, ;a )u}. ;.,
-7,€'-! LJ* - J 1,';'-'s q' iv.'v ,1'2e "to
Jz-,?{/- -t-',,-,-;'tJn"! ):ir, ra..0- -',- zwi,-.
/tE .sopo,n".pnu" -rvp. /--. <''.t."tu"eta )ype (1t I
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ji iBa J i t, / ti u
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